
Showing posts from June, 2017

Elliptical Workouts to Hit (or HIIT) Any Fitness Goal

The elliptical machine is a cardio staple and a mainstay of many workout routines, including  HIIT workouts  – and for good reason. This versatile machine offers a great full body workout without jarring the joints. But if you have been slugging it out at the gym for more than a couple of weeks there is a good chance you are not getting the full benefits of your sweat sessions. If you have been performing the same routine for several sessions it’s time to jump start your body by changing up your workout. If you perform the same routine day in day out your body will become accustomed to this stress and you will likely find yourself at a plateau. Try adding one or all of these elliptical trainer workouts to freshen up your routine and make strides towards your goals.  (If you’re looking for a machine for home use, you can find our elliptical reviews  here .) All of these workouts will use rate of preceded exertion (RPE), based on a scale from 1-10. 1 be...

Workouts Shouldn’t Be Torture


Stock Up on Good Food and You’ll Eat Good Food


17 Fitness Pros Reveal Favorite Nutrients for Post-Workout Recovery

There are a lot of ways to recover post-workout, but what really does the trick? It occurred to us that going to the soldiers in the trenches, the people who workout and recover like it’s their job (because it IS their job) might be a great way to find out what really works. We asked 17 top trainers, coaches, PhDs, and fitness pros what they consider the most important food or nutrient for muscle recovery and why. And some great responses came back as well as a common theme that definitely emerged: Protein, carbs, and water. Protein and carbs might seem obvious, but how many of us really do the work of supplying our muscles with some quality goods post-workout? You’ve worked the muscle, go the extra mile and get some great nutrients in there to recover faster. And water is so completely obvious that a lot of people might not actually hydrate adequately. You lose a ton of water during even a short workout, and swigging a Gatorade isn’t going to replenish what you’ve lost. It’s p...

Triathlon Training Tips For The Time Crunched Athlete

Thinking about doing your first triathlon? Or maybe you have been in the game for a few years and are looking to set a new PR (personal record). We would all love to race like the pro’s but unless you’re getting paid to swim, bike, and run, you probably don’t have the time to spend 40 hours a week training. So how do we make the best of the training time we do have? It is all about quality over quantity. Consistency Is Key The first and most important concept you can implement to improve your training, and to help insure you make it to the starting line, is consistency. This may sound simple, but before you skip ahead to the next tip consider that this is the number one thing most people are lacking in their training. It is all too easy to skip a workout one night when a meeting goes late, and again for that family birthday party, and again when the weather gets nasty. The list of excuses can go on and on and before you know it those little excuses add up to a lot of missed...

9 Nutrition Tips For Top Triathlon Performance

Nutrition is often referenced as the fourth discipline of  triathlon . Filling your body with the right fuel is paramount, not only in preventing the infamous bonk, but to power you through your workouts and build the strength you will need to get to the start line. Everywhere you look these days there seems to be another diet making the headlines. With regimens ranging from Paleo to raw vegan and everything in between how do you fuel your swim, bike, and run? #1 Give Your Body Quality Fuel The most important  diet  consideration for endurance athletes is improving diet quality. This means prioritizing vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats. While eliminating processed foods should be your goal, you may find more success with focusing on adding these healthy mainstays to your plate. It is easier to add a behavior than it is to remove one. Fill up on nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods and you’ll have less room for the junk. To insure tha...

6 Tips for Triathlon Race Day

You’ve put in the  training  for your triathlon ( see tri training tips here ) and race day is fast approaching. While many factors may be beyond your control, that doesn’t mean you can’t plan for the  best day possible . Here is how to put your training into practice and optimize your race day. #1 The Head Game Don’t underestimate the power your mental game brings to the table. Hopefully you have been working on your head game throughout your triathlon training. If not, start now. Build a mantra for yourself; it can be as simple as “Feeling strong,” or “Just keep swimming.” My personal favorite is “ Pain is only temporary, glory lasts forever ”, whatever works for you. Practice your mantra in your challenging workouts so it comes naturally to you during the triathlon. The difference between a good race and a great race can be the attitude you bring to the course. #2 Have A Triathlon Race Day Strategy With a coach, or on your own, sit down and plan your...