Stretches for Happy Hips
Happy, healthy hip function is important
to just about every part of your bodies well-being. Asymmetries or
imbalances in the hips can lead to problems in all parts of your body,
including, believe it or not, shoulder pain, neck pain, knee pain and
foot pain.
Long extensor muscles that run down the
length of your spine can become stressed by imbalanced hips, causing
stress as far away as your upper neck and base of the skull.
The latissimus or “lats”, which are more
commonly thought of as dominating the “lateral” sides of the body,
actually attach as low as the sacrum and extend up to the fronts of your
shoulders, meaning that hip imbalances can cause pain, trigger points
and issues along the whole path of that muscle, including up into the
The knees and feet are similarly
vulnerable to hip imbalances, as fascial and muscle strain originating
in the hips can cause knee tracking problems and plantar fasciitis.
Knowing that the hips play an important
role in the health and pain free movement of so many parts of your body,
it’s easy to appreciate how keeping them limber and mobile can help to
ensure pain free movement and workout routines. Here’s a few stretches
to keep your hips happy.
Butterfly Stretch
Butterfly stretch is a simple stretch
that most of us are familiar with from childhood gym. It targets the
inner thighs as they connect up into the sits bones on the hips. Sit
flat on the ground, and bring the bottoms of your feet together,
allowing your knees to drop out to the sides toward the ground. It’s
important to relax the groin to allow this stretch the greatest effect,
so if you’re feeling especially tight, roll up blankets or props
underneath your knees for support so you can allow your legs to gently
melt into the stretch. Remember to keep your back straight and sit up
tall on your sits bones. If you find your back rounding, sit up on a
block or blanket to take some of the pressure off and ensure a straight
back posture.
This stretch can be modified into
“extended butterfly” or “diamond stretch” by moving your feet away from
you along the floor, until you feel the stretch move from your inner
thighs to the outsides of your hips. If you’re not feeling it with a
vertical spine, feel free to lean forward to enhance the hip stretch,
remembering to keep a proud chest and straight spine as you lean
forward, rather than rounding the spine.
Seated Pigeon Stretch
Pigeon stretch is a yoga pose that’s
challenging for most to accomplish without practice. Luckily, there’s a
modification that allows just about anyone to achieve the main benefit
of the stretch, which is a targeted piriformis (hip external rotator)
Sitting on the floor, with your knees
bent and your feet flat on the floor, bring your right ankle onto your
left knee/upper thigh, and gently glide your right knee away from you.
To ease into the stretch, start with your left foot far away from you
and then gradually move it towards your torso to increase the stretch.
You should feel the stretch in the middle of your right glute,
targeting the piriformis.
A version of this stretch can also be
done standing, by laying the foot, calf and knee up on a platform such
as a bed, couch or table and leaning forward toward the leg with your
other leg remaining standing vertical on the floor.
Long lunges, with the knee up or down,
are a great way to access the hip flexor and relieve lower back pain.
The hip flexor attaches to the inside of your lower spine, and then
travels through your hip bowl before attaching to your femur to allow
you to lift your knees and flex your hips. Step one foot out in front
of you as far as you can manage, and then drop your hips toward the
floor, keeping your torso vertical. The knee on the back leg can either
be straight, or can bend and drop to the floor. The stretch should be
felt on the front of the hip of the leg that is in back. To amplify the
stretch, keep your torso straight, and slowly drop deeper into the
Deep Squat
As children, just about all of us had the
hip and spine mobility to accomplish a deep squat with ease, and before
office chairs became the norm most people worked on projects or rested
while in a deep squat throughout their life, maintaining hip and spine
mobility as a necessity of daily life.
To achieve a deep squat, start with your
feet parallel and hip distance apart. Reach down and find your big
toes, and then slowly bend your knees while dropping your hips and
raising your chest until your squatting with your heels on the floor,
your hips below your knees and a proud raised chest and head. You can
work up to this position by placing your hands on your knees instead of
holding your toes, and by elevating your heels onto a block.
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